MijnCoachlijn (MyCoachLine)

For everything that matters to you and your work

Loop je tegen grenzen aan die je zelf niet op kunt lossen en die je belemmeren in je werk? Er zijn talloze redenen waarom je het gevoel kunt hebben vast te lopen. Een hoge werkdruk, je niet prettig voelen in het team, moeite met werk-privé balans. Maar ook gevoelens van somberheid, zorgen over de toekomst, financiën of gezondheid van jou of je naasten.

Recognizing that you need someone to help you is a very important step, so well done. We are happy to help you get the right support.

You can contact us by telephone: 085 00 90 357 or our call-back form. After the first intake by a psychologist, we will match you to the coach who best suits you and your situation. Together you can determine what you need to.

Call MijnCoachlijn

Call-back request

Please fill out your details. We will call you back for an intake when it suits you.

Gingermood meets strict privacy requirements and will treat your personal information confidentially.

About us

MijnCoachlijn is a collaboration between ArboNed and Gingermood, aimed at quickly and effectively supporting employees who get stuck.

About ArboNed

ArboNed helps SME entrepreneurs with all (preventive) occupational health and safety issues so that they too can do what they do best: doing business. Every day, we are ready to help 61,500 employers and over 600,000 employees. Our professionals reduce absenteeism, minimise occupational risks, and ensure healthy, motivated, and competent employees. Knowing what a company is like is our starting point. With our (legally required) analysis tools, we provide insight, advice, and practical solutions that demonstrably contribute to people’s health and vitality. Because with vigorous people, entrepreneurs can achieve their goals and realise their ambitions. In short: healthy entrepreneurship.

About Gingermood

Gingermood is specialised in making the best match between coach and coachee. They do this using a matching tool that they have developed in collaboration with the UvA. Based on dozens of variables concerning cognition and personality, this tool calculates what coach is the best match for a particular person. It has now been proven that the better the connection between coach and coachee, the more effective the coaching process, and the better you can be helped. Consequently, this way of matching offers considerable added value.


For what may I call?
You may contact MijnCoachlijn for all questions you have as a working person. This may include worries and stress about:

  • an imbalance between work and private roles when working from home with children around
  • excessive workload
  • having trouble letting go of work
  • private circumstances
  • contamination and the health of yourself or your loved ones
  • insufficient connection to the work
  • whether you will still have (enough) work in the future
  • gloominess due to reduced social contacts/loneliness
  • the future in general
  • worried about the near future, going back to work, letting go of the corona regulations
  • struggling with finances due to loss of income

When is MijnCoachlijn not the right helpline for me?

If you are already in an absenteeism program with your health and safety service. MijnCoachlijn is also not intended to help address business continuity issues of employers.

Will my employer be notified that I have called?

Yes, your employer has contracted this service to support employees and, in principle, also pays for the follow-up process. Your employer will be informed you have contacted MijnCoachlijn and that you need a follow-up process. However, your employer will never be told what your request for help is. In no way will substantive details about your intake or follow-up process be shared with your employer. This is not allowed by law.